The origin of jute bags is the jute plants that are grown, then harvested, dried, and pounded. New weavers form jute cloth from jute fibers. Therefore, many people use bags to replace nylon bags.

With outstanding features such as:

+ Hypoallergenic, no harmful chemicals

+Dry, exit when

+ It can be reused many times and decomposed quickly.

The bag is sturdy enough to hold many personal items.


Today, jute bags are widely used in life and business. Each business has different needs, so choose the appropriate bag.

To be able to have a bag suitable for business needs must be based on the following factors:

+ Size of the bag: Height X width X hip

+ Style: suitable bag with a tight bottom, zipper, buttons, etc.

+ Information printed on the bag: image, logo, slogan, …

+ Order Quantity

** Jute bag factory in L’eco


Jute bags, luxury, utility, and fashion impress customers. If you are looking to order this bag or need further advice. Please get in touch with us directly via:

Hotline: 0938.319.886 – 0988.647.152

Or via email: info@leco.com.vn

Fanpage: Non Woven Bags – L’eco

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