Non-woven bags are an extremely convenient and durable fashion product. It not only creates a clean green lifestyle but also helps to protect the environment. Unlike woven bags, non-woven bags can be reused many times while maintaining durability and quality. Therefore, today, non-woven bags are being trusted by many businesses.

Because of that, non-woven bags are also increasingly diverse. Below, L’eco introduces non-woven bags that are popular with many businesses.

*** Non-woven bags in the form of boxes 

– Non-woven bags with handles are the most popular type of bag today. This is a durable bag with a sturdy handle. The bag has a variety of designs and stimulation, elegant and youthful, suitable for all needs such as shopping, going out, traveling,… . Besides, non-woven bags with handles with logos printed on them can also be used as meaningful gift bags.

Non-woven bags
Non-woven bags

– Non-woven bags in box form with perforated straps, the bags are manufactured with delicate perforated design. Make it easy for users to hold and move the product conveniently. With its lightweight feature, the fabric allows for sharpness. So non-woven bags are very popular with many businesses and fashion stores,…

Non-woven bags
Non-woven bags

*** Flat non-woven bag

– Flat non-woven bag with handle, this is a fashion tote bag. Many fashion shops and stationery shops also use the bag,…

Flat non-woven bag
Flat non-woven bag

– Many schools, centers, establishments, and fashion shops use perforated flat non-woven bags with impressive compact designs,…

*** Drawstring non-woven bag

The drawstring non-woven bag is a forgotten bag model for everyone. The bag is designed with a convenient and intelligent drawstring mouth. At the same time, drawstring bags also have a variety of colors, and images … Bags are used by businesses as promotional gifts. From there, businesses will easily communicate product information to customers and create brand impressions in the hearts of consumers.

Drawstring non-woven bag
Drawstring non-woven bag

In addition to the above non-woven bags, there are many other products at the L’eco garment factory. Non-woven bags are produced according to the unique needs of customers.

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+ Zalo quote consultation: https://zalo.me/0988647152

+ See more types of environmental cloth bags via the Website: https://tuivaimoitruong.com

【L’ECO】An Van Thanh Manufacturing Trading Company Limited

– Hotline + Zalo: 0988647152 Ms. Chang

– Website: https://tuivaimoitruong.com

– Email: info@leco.com.vn

– Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/TuiVaiKhongDetLeco

– Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@lecobag1895

– Address: 70 Nguyen Van Tao, Long Thoi Commune, Nha Be District, Ho Chi Minh City.

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