What’s special about L’eco’s jute bag factory?

L’eco’s jute bag sewing factory is a direct sewing factory without intermediaries. Competitive price and reliable companion for many customers and partners today. With professional modern production lines and modern equipment. We always satisfy customers and create trust and prestige in the market.

Jute bags are a very popular product at the factory. This product is convenient, easy to use, and especially environmentally friendly. Not only used as a fashion bag to store common items. Today, jute bags are chosen by many companies, factories, and shops, … as gift bags, and bags with brand logos. Because many businesses use bags as an extremely effective means of communication.

jute bags

On the market, today, making bags according to demand appears quite a lot. That shows that the demand for using bags is increasing. That is why L’eco jute bag sewing factory is the choice for customers. When we provide jute bag making service according to demand. In particular, in order to optimally support customers, L’eco fabric bag sewing factory is fully equipped with modern equipment. From input material selection to cutting, sewing, and printing on bags. Because we want L’eco fabric bags to bring quality and satisfy customers.

Depending on the requirements of the customer, we will deploy and develop appropriate design ideas. L’eco accepts custom sizes and designs, thereby giving customers more choices. Besides jute bags, we also develop a variety of fabric bags such as non-woven bags, burlap bags, polyester bags, and wine bags,…

The jute bag products are carefully checked before reaching customers. To ensure the best quality and perfect products to customers.

*** An Van Thanh Production Trading Co., Ltd – L’eco ***

Specializes in supplying and manufacturing canvas bags according to customer needs. With 14 years of experience in manufacturing and exporting canvas bags. L’eco can meet all your bag needs for businesses and shops. Ensure product quality and create a reputation for businesses. Our bag products include:
+ Non-woven bag
+ Canvas bag, dad
+ Polyester fabric bag + Jute bag
+ Laminated PP bag
+ Vest bag
+ Cosmetic bag
+ Bedding bag
+ Wine bag
+ Gift bags, conference bags, events
+ New Year gift bags, Tet calendar bags, ….

All of our products are manufactured according to the needs of our customers. Helping customers get the most impressive and satisfying products. L’eco always aims at the values of life and the environment to join hands to protect the beloved environment.

Please contact us through
– Hotline: 0988.647.152 –0903.696.477
– Mail: info@leco.com.vn
– Workshop: 70 Nguyen Van Tao, Long Thoi Commune, Nha Be District, Ho Chi Minh City.
– Learn more at Fanpage: Non-woven bag – L’eco
– Tumblr: Canvas Bag

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