Near the end of the year bags such as calendar bags, gift bags, New Year gift bags and wine bags are being welcomed by many customers. All L’eco products are manufactured according to the customer requirements in terms of color, size and printing information on the bag.
Especially, wine bags are chosen by many people because of the luxury they bring. Nonwoven wine bags are an ideal proposition, a trusted and appreciated option.

Advantages of cloth wine bags:
Wine bags fix the bottles of wine and ensure durability as well as prevent cracking when impacted.
Fabric bags are wrapped outside to create a sense of safety – luxury to use
Fabric wine bags made from reusable nonwoven fabrics are both cost-effective and an effective marketing channel.
Make a difference when using perforated straps or straps.

Currently, L’eco is providing various types of wine bags for customers wishing to make gifts during the Tet holiday.
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