Non-woven wine bags increase product value

You are a store or business doing alcohol business. You always want to express and spread your brand to more people. In addition to good product quality, you need to pay more attention to the packaging of wine products. Suppose you don’t know how to choose a bag. Please get in touch with our fabric bag factory to get advice on products with low prices and quality of non-woven wine bags.

Using non-woven wine bags can be considered one of the packaging products suitable for current trends.

Wine is one of the top gifts given as gifts. However, these wine bottles are very susceptible to impact and breakage. Therefore, many people put them in boxes to avoid collisions. But the cases are challenging to hold and move. But with a wine bag, the above problems can be met.

Non-woven wine bags
Non-woven wine bags

They both secure your beloved bottle of wine and are convenient to move around. Besides, it also contributes to the impressive luxurious beauty of the gift. The material is a non-woven fabric that is both highly durable and environmentally friendly. Therefore, non-woven wine bags are very popular with many people

wine bag
wine bag

To be able to promote your brand well to everyone, printing is essential. You can print any information, logo, or image on the wine bag. This will help the brand spread quickly and impress everyone.

Wine bag for 1 bottle
Wine bag for 1 bottle

At L’eco we provide many fabric bag products according to customer needs. We have a closed production line system, ensuring product quality. Please contact us via hotline: 0938.319.886. Or Fanpage: non-woven bags – L’eco

An Van Thanh Production and Trading Company Limited – L’eco

Address: 70 Nguyen Van Tao, Long Thoi, Nha Be, Ho Chi Minh City

Email: info@leco.com.vn

Web: tuivaimoitruong.com

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