New Year wine bags are unique products and ideas for businesses to choose Tet gifts. Wine Bags are made from non-woven fabrics, burlap, jute, etc. The bag is sewn from 1 to 6 bottles of wine, depending on customer needs. With bags containing 2 bottles of wine, there will be a partition, helping to fix the wine bottle well and not be bumped.

In addition, the New Year statue bag also has unique designs for spring and New Year wishes. Help spread the Tet atmosphere and besides build a beautiful image for customers.

On the market, there are quite a lot of products that contain wine from boxes to bags of socks with different costs. But surely L’eco’s Tet wine bag will be a quality product and much cheaper than other wine bags and boxes. And the wine bags are equally luxurious and noble. Make the gift more luxurious and meaningful.


With the bag material that can hold a load of 2-5kg, depending on the weight of the gift, businesses can contact us for advice.

What’s more wonderful is when customers and partners are given a bottle of Tet wine in a luxurious bag. L’eco always understands the meaning in the wine bottles sent. Chuang has material value but contains the sincere feelings of the business.

With 14 years of experience in the field of canvas bags, L’eco will make you satisfied with both products and service attitude.

For more information, please contact us immediately for advice and answers HOTLINE: 0988.647.152 Ms. Chang
Mail: Info@leco.com.vn
Fanpage: Non-woven bags – L’eco
Garment factory: 70 Nguyen Van Tao, Long Thoi, Nha Be, HCMC.

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